Thursday, November 28, 2013


I woke up this morning contemplating what to be thankful for and then I stumbled across this little gem on Pinterest. 
It really put things into perspective.
I remember in my not so distant past (circa 2005) I was a single mom. I wished to be able to finish college and find a great job to support my son Tyler on my own. To someday travel the world and own a home and to "complete" our broken family. To spend more time with him because every second together matters.
Through some rough times I graduated college with a 2.5 year old son and a 3.4 GPA. I was and still am very thankful for my amazing friends & family that helped me through it all.
Then Mr. Dave Iman came along and he fell in love with us. He even followed us around the world and met us in Italy the summer after I graduated! I had known him for 6 years prior, but this was the year that changed everything. He came along and loved us and cared for us. He completed our little family...until Miss Audrey came along in 2008. She was the icing on the cake!
In 2012 we said enough is enough and I was able to quit a job I loved to spend more time with my kids and raise them. We bought a home and here we are today. 
I am SO thankful for my broken road that lead me to where I am now <cue Rascal Flats song> I could have never imagined being where I am today because of all the trying times. So instead of being thankful for all the stuff I already am thankful for (health, friends & fam, etc.) I am thankful for my past and where it landed me on this very day. 

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

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