Sunday, December 2, 2012

my favorite Audrey

I usually don't post too many "mommy" related things, but today is a very special day. It is my daughter's fourth birthday.
When she first came into the world it was no surprise how much I loved her. Any mom would be able to tell you that much. However, the love and relationship that has developed is something even better. If you can believe that. This parenting love stuff is some serious business! Having a daughter is like being able to watch my childhood play itself out all over again. Watching her act out dramas with her dolls, sing made up songs, play dress up, take ballet classes and have a great love for cheerleading. It is all too familiar. Out of the many reasons why I love her so much, the one thing that stands out the most is her personality. One minute she will have her hands on her hips, face turned away and eyes rolled telling me "oh my gawsh", while the next minute she is gazing up at me with her big brown eyes telling me how she loves my outfit and wants to have a "girl's day". She is the perfect combination of sassy, girly & adorableness.

To my favorite little peanut Audrey London Iman: my mini me, singing & dancing partner, girl's day lover, song composer and the best daughter a mother could ever ask for: I love you and wish you a million more of the BEST birthdays.

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