Tuesday, December 4, 2012

i've been all tangled up

...in planning my daughter's 4th birthday. It was this past Sunday {if you didn't already see my post} and I think I have finally recovered. Thanks to one of my favorite websites {Pinterest} and good 'ol Martha Stewart, I was able to get crafty and make a lot of my own decorations and put a few special touches into her special day. It was a total success...as long as you don't factor in the power going out for over 4 hours. Yes, during the party. I guess we could play it off as we were giving the party a realistic feel since I doubt Rapunzel had any electricity in her tower. ;)
{from top to bottom, left to right}
striped tags for silverware, "let's get tangled" framed sign, Rapunzel punch, Tangled cupcake towers, my mini me, Flynn Rider wanted poster, jello boats, flower balls & flags chandelier 

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