Friday, December 14, 2012

Conneticut Love.

I'm not sure I can even put into words how heavy my heart is for the families who have lost loved ones in today's horrific school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. Even worse, the majority of those that were stolen from their families were children. Children that were so innocent like my very own. Children who's only wish was to possibly catch Santa on Christmas morning stuffing their stockings, to watch Charlie Brown's Christmas with their moms and dads, to go see the snow, to make a gingerbread house or to have someone kiss them goodnight. It truly sickens me that anyone could be so depraved that they would ruin families at what is suppose to be the most wonderful time of year...Not that this would be any better ANY time of year.

All my love and prayers are with those on the East Coast. May you find some kind of peace and joy, and to all sure to give your kids one extra hug or tuck them in extra tightly tonight because we are never promised tomorrow.

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