Sunday, December 30, 2012

the eve of NYE: time to recap the year

Every year I try and reminisce about all the great things that have happened. This year is no different. I have SO MANY things to be thankful for. To list a few:

my life {in general}: I've learned that every day is not promised and that cherishing every minute you have and enjoying it should always be your main focus.
"Get busy living, or get busy dying" - Shawshank Redemption circa '94

my family: I was extremely fortunate to have the choice to put my career aside and be a full-time mom. It was scary, but at the end of the day being a GREAT mom & spending time with my kids versus being a GREAT career woman & spending all my time at work meant the most to me.

my friends & extended family: They continue to amaze me by always being there for me. Even despite me moving far away they all still keep in touch and visit. I definitely feel the love.

our new home: Four short months ago we grew up & purchased our first home. It really feels like our home. Even though we practically just threw out the last of our moving boxes.

my blog: I started writing for fun. To give myself an outlet to feel like I was still doing more than cleaning, cooking and trying to be a GREAT SAHM. It may not be the most popular blog, but it's still fun and I've built up an audience of amazing people. {BIG THANKS}

And picture recap. It's so fun to look back at the year and literally see where I've been & what I've done.

I hope you all have had a joyous holiday season. Let's make 2013 just as good. I know it can be!

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