Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Get Your Glow on this Halloween!

Happy Halloween!


It's mean, it's green, it causes glowing effects...what is it? A monster? Your ex boyfriend/lover/fiance/husband on a psychotic rampage? NO! It's actually not scary at all! Instead of the usual frightening or scary offering that most decide to share on this holiday {I'll have you know I am NOT a fan since I can't even stand to watch a scary commercial #wimpystatus} I am opting to give something that only looks the part. My gift to you is the glowing green smoothie compliments of Kimberly Snyder, celeb nutritionist. {link below}
One of my best girlfriends introduced me to this beauty miracle worker. It has become a staple of my morning routine right next to brushing my teeth & applying mascara. Drink it for a fresh start in the AM or right after a good run.This little monster not only gives you glowing skin, but it is used by celebs to detox and kick them into high-gear beauty from the inside out...literally.  
Happy Halloween to all you soon-to-be glowing gorgeous green monsters! Let your face glow like a celeb on the red carpet today and through every holiday.
3/4 cups water
1 head organic romaine lettuce, chopped
3-4 stalks organic celery
1/2 head of a large bunch, or 3/4 of a small bunch of spinach
1 organic apple, cored and chopped
1 organic pear, cored and chopped
1 organic banana
Juice of 1/2 fresh organic lemon
Add water and chopped romaine into the blender.
Starting blending at a low speed, mix until smooth. Gradually moving to higher speeds, add the celery, apple and pear. Add the banana and lemon juice last. Mix until smooth.
SAHM Glam tips:
* if you add 2 stalks of celery it tastes even better
* use a vitamix brand blender. You can’t go wrong and it will break down all the fruits and veggies perfectly
 *chill in the fridge the night before for an even more refreshing drink {it’s better colder}



Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How To Tuesday: Beach Sexy hair

Happy day after Monday! You made it through the first day of the week. You are so close to Halloween Wednesday you can taste the sugary goodness! For those on the East coast, you have even more to celebrate: the worst of Frankenstorm {hurricane Sandy} has passed. Hopefully everyone's friends and family made it through safe and sound...and with their electricity turned {back} on.

Okay...enough with all my blabbing and on to {insert applause} How to Tuesday: Beach Sexy Hair!

Who wouldn't want that?!? Here's how...

What you'll need:
Hair dryer w/ diffuser attachment {diffuser not a must}
Thickening spray or gel {I use this OR this}
Hairspray {any old kind will do}
1 inch curling iron {this is my ultimate fave}

Step 1:
Start off by applying a thickening lotion/spray to "go big or go home" and then dry your hair with a diffuser. Once hair is completely dry, proceed to the next step.

Step 2:
Separate hair by grasping about a 1 inch section of your hair. Start as close to the root of your hair and wrap curling iron around. twist hair around curling iron, but leave about 1 to 2 inches out of curling iron for a more beachy natural look. Hold hair in iron for 5-7 seconds and slowly pull curling iron down, away from your head and out of your hair. It's best to start from the front and move in sections from bottom to top and around to the other side.
 Step 3:
Run your fingers through your hair to separate the curls.

Step 4:
Now you are close to beach sexiness, but before you need to do one last thing. Flip your hair upside down and toss your hair around like you just opened a window and frankenstorm blew in. While acting like a crazy head spinning lunatic, spray hairspray all over.
{beach sexy hair complete}


Monday, October 29, 2012


Usually this time of year is filled with scary fun and thrills, but the current forecast on the east coast is anything but that. My heart goes out to all those that are enduring this season's biggest scare: frankenstorm {aka: hurricane Sandy}. Stay safe & dry!

{pic courtesy of the weather channel}

Friday, October 26, 2012

I've been booed!

I've been booed! I know what you're thinking, but it's not the throw tomatoes on stage type of booing, but something with a positive twist. Let me start off by telling you that on my occassional daily run I have been noticing these signs on our neighbor's doors. I had no clue what they were. I was a bit confused. I assumed it was a new way to tell neighbors "stay away I don't celebrate this hallmark card holiday even though I have my front yard decked out in pumpkins and scary paraphernalia". Anyway...yesterday evening I was heading out my front door. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a small bucket of goodies. I picked it up and found this adorable note inside:

Turns out no one is being a Halloween scrooge after all. This was such a welcoming gift since we have only lived in our new home for a little over a month.
Here's my rendition of one of the"BOO" buckets I made.
Here are some of my fave "been booed" signs if you want to join in all the Halloween fun:
Keep Calm and Boo On!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

fall is in the air

I am a HUGE fan of the pumpkin spice latte {thanks sbux}, but when I can't get my little slice of fall heaven in a cup...I turn to one of my other senses. What better way to fill your home with fall deliciousness than a deliciously scented fall candle. Not only are the candles I found the perfect scent{spiced pumpkin amaretto, cinnamon pomander & salted caramel buttercream to name a few}, but they are adorably carved in my fave trendy print {quatrefoil}.

Talk about great scents that make sense. ;)

MELT candles available at Target starting @ $7.99.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hitting the big time!

Okay...maybe not THE big time or even the world series like my fave team {go giants!}, but after some much needed feedback from some great friends, I am officially posting my blog to the masses. Please "like" and follow me if you want to see more! xoxo ❤

{me fist pumping the Giants game 7 win}

cold weather comfort food

It's that time of year when the rain starts falling and the cold crisp air welcomes the fall. It is also the BEST time to make my mom's albondigas {pronounced all-bon-dee-g-ahs} soup. It's a tomato broth vegetable soup with meatballs infused with rice...and did I mention it is delish!?
I have such fond memories of eating my mom's recipe growing up. My earliest recollection of having this dates back to when I was in Kindergarten {circa 1986}. Everyday after school my mom would cook this for me and let me watch a little TV. I get so nostalgic...

Grammie Norma's Albondigas Soup
*my mom doesn't use a recipe so the measurements were taken from this recipe and modified a bit as per her reccomendation.

1 lb lean ground beef
¼ cup bread crumbs
1 egg, beaten
2 garlic cloves, minced
¼ cup uncooked rice
½ cup cilantro leaf, chopped
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon ground cumin
½  small zucchini, peeled & grated {an optional easy way to hide veggies in the meat for kids}
In a mixing bowl, fold together and lightly blend the meat, egg and bread crumbs. Next add the rice followed by the cilantro and remaining ingredients. Carefully scoop out small portions and form meatballs. Put aside until all are made so they all cook at the same time. Boil 3/4 pot full of water with meatballs for 30 minutes on medium to medium-low heat. You will know that  they are ready when you can see the rice start to pop out of the meat. Once this happens you may add the following to complete the soup:
1 can tomato sauce
2 carrots, diced
2 potatoes, diced
2 zucchini, sliced
½ onion diced {optional}
salt & pepper to taste
1 teaspoon of cumin
1 cube chicken bouillon
Using the same pot as the meatballs {broth & all}, add tomato sauce and the rest of the ingredients. Cook for an additional 30 minutes or so until veggies are cooked. Garnish with cilantro & avocado. 
A helpful hint to successful cooking is to always taste as you go...a good cook can taste the difference between something good and something GREAT!
{iphone pic}

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fashion, films and a shopping spree for you...oh my!

The Sundance Channel & {my fave fashion online shopping site} ShopBop are teaming up and giving away $1000 gift card via facebook! Click the link below, "like" them and enter your info for a chance to make your closet $1000 more glamorous!

Friday, October 19, 2012

{the beginning}

I am pleased to very first post as a SAHM{aka: stay-at-home-mommy}

This is the beginning of a beautiful blogship for all SAHMommies that need inspiration and feel like they need a little bit of glam in their life apart from all the cooking, cleaning, homework, after-school activities, playdates and lack of pampering, etc. that they may be enduring enjoying. ;) My hope is that each time you come for a visit you leave feeling like you've left the house, had an entire day all to yourself at the spa/gym/mall/beach/museum and know that your life can still be glam one day {at home} at a time.
