Sunday, December 30, 2012

the eve of NYE: time to recap the year

Every year I try and reminisce about all the great things that have happened. This year is no different. I have SO MANY things to be thankful for. To list a few:

my life {in general}: I've learned that every day is not promised and that cherishing every minute you have and enjoying it should always be your main focus.
"Get busy living, or get busy dying" - Shawshank Redemption circa '94

my family: I was extremely fortunate to have the choice to put my career aside and be a full-time mom. It was scary, but at the end of the day being a GREAT mom & spending time with my kids versus being a GREAT career woman & spending all my time at work meant the most to me.

my friends & extended family: They continue to amaze me by always being there for me. Even despite me moving far away they all still keep in touch and visit. I definitely feel the love.

our new home: Four short months ago we grew up & purchased our first home. It really feels like our home. Even though we practically just threw out the last of our moving boxes.

my blog: I started writing for fun. To give myself an outlet to feel like I was still doing more than cleaning, cooking and trying to be a GREAT SAHM. It may not be the most popular blog, but it's still fun and I've built up an audience of amazing people. {BIG THANKS}

And picture recap. It's so fun to look back at the year and literally see where I've been & what I've done.

I hope you all have had a joyous holiday season. Let's make 2013 just as good. I know it can be!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ring in the New Year with style

There are only 2 more days until NYE! As I say about most everything these days: I cannot believe how fast it has come.
This year I am celebrating at home with a bottle of wine and or champagne, but that is NO REASON why I cannot dress up. Call it a pity party for 1, or me just being extra glamorous. You be the judge. Or not.  ;)

My favorite NYE looks:

Friday, December 28, 2012

iPhone love.

It was bittersweet to say goodbye to my first iphone and welcome my new iphone 5. After two days of transferring files & tears...I activated my new one. I haven't looked back. Now I am left with the dilemma of finding a new case. With so many to choose from I am not sure I can make a decision. Which is your fave?

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7/ 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Doomsday cookies {melted snowmen}

HEARD ISLAND, SOUTH POLE: Melted snowmen have been reported. Could this be a sign of the end of the world? Good news is Australia has made it to doomsday (12/21 according to the Mayan Calendar), which could very well mean the rest of the world is safe.

Happy holidays & hooray for another false "end of the world" prediction.

{no snowmen were injured in the making of this post. all information is fictional}

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Santa's nice list

Dear Santa,
There are only a few more days until Christmas and I've been extra nice this year. I am SO nice that I am willing to help you stuff my stocking. Here is my "nice list". ;)

- madewell little tokyo scarf {via}
- ihome mini speaker {via}

- lush bath bombs {via}

- marc jacobs rollerball trio {via}

- express spun rayon leggings {via}

Friday, December 14, 2012

Conneticut Love.

I'm not sure I can even put into words how heavy my heart is for the families who have lost loved ones in today's horrific school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. Even worse, the majority of those that were stolen from their families were children. Children that were so innocent like my very own. Children who's only wish was to possibly catch Santa on Christmas morning stuffing their stockings, to watch Charlie Brown's Christmas with their moms and dads, to go see the snow, to make a gingerbread house or to have someone kiss them goodnight. It truly sickens me that anyone could be so depraved that they would ruin families at what is suppose to be the most wonderful time of year...Not that this would be any better ANY time of year.

All my love and prayers are with those on the East Coast. May you find some kind of peace and joy, and to all sure to give your kids one extra hug or tuck them in extra tightly tonight because we are never promised tomorrow.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Home for Christmas

This year decorating was extra fun & exciting because it is our first Christmas in our new home.
The fire was lit, Christmas tunes filled the air, ornaments were placed on the tree, stockings were hung by the chimney with really felt & looked magical when we were finished. I honestly love this time of year and wish I could have a tree up year round. Would that be wrong or just a really big fire hazard??

My color theme this year is blues, greens, silver and sparkles.

{the tree and some of my favorite ornaments}
{my fireplace}
{my DIY Christmas chandelier}
{all iphone pics}

Monday, December 10, 2012

manicure Monday: polka dots

My inspiration was to have festive silver polka dot nails. I don't think I'm Pinterest ready yet, but I'm getting closer to perfect painting. ;)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Fab Find Friday: Rachel Bilson style

I love Rachel Bilson. Today I am channeling her fashion savviness. I love the leather shorts and blazer combo, but added a bit more holiday sparkle and wore a sequin tank instead of the one she wore. I can't wait to wear this to the holiday mixer I am attending. :)

Happy fab Friday!

leather shorts {via}
blazer {via}
heels {via}

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

holiday in a cup

I discovered the perfect combination: a snickerdoodle milkshake. It's a little bit of cinnamon, a little bit of sugar and a lot of deliciousness.
{iphone pic}
To create:
2 scoops ice cream
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup ice
1 tbs vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tbs honey
1 fresh baked snickerdoodle
mix, blend, pour, enjoy.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

i've been all tangled up planning my daughter's 4th birthday. It was this past Sunday {if you didn't already see my post} and I think I have finally recovered. Thanks to one of my favorite websites {Pinterest} and good 'ol Martha Stewart, I was able to get crafty and make a lot of my own decorations and put a few special touches into her special day. It was a total long as you don't factor in the power going out for over 4 hours. Yes, during the party. I guess we could play it off as we were giving the party a realistic feel since I doubt Rapunzel had any electricity in her tower. ;)
{from top to bottom, left to right}
striped tags for silverware, "let's get tangled" framed sign, Rapunzel punch, Tangled cupcake towers, my mini me, Flynn Rider wanted poster, jello boats, flower balls & flags chandelier 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

my favorite Audrey

I usually don't post too many "mommy" related things, but today is a very special day. It is my daughter's fourth birthday.
When she first came into the world it was no surprise how much I loved her. Any mom would be able to tell you that much. However, the love and relationship that has developed is something even better. If you can believe that. This parenting love stuff is some serious business! Having a daughter is like being able to watch my childhood play itself out all over again. Watching her act out dramas with her dolls, sing made up songs, play dress up, take ballet classes and have a great love for cheerleading. It is all too familiar. Out of the many reasons why I love her so much, the one thing that stands out the most is her personality. One minute she will have her hands on her hips, face turned away and eyes rolled telling me "oh my gawsh", while the next minute she is gazing up at me with her big brown eyes telling me how she loves my outfit and wants to have a "girl's day". She is the perfect combination of sassy, girly & adorableness.

To my favorite little peanut Audrey London Iman: my mini me, singing & dancing partner, girl's day lover, song composer and the best daughter a mother could ever ask for: I love you and wish you a million more of the BEST birthdays.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

it's here: Target & Neiman Collab.

The day I've we've all been waiting for is here! Go check out your local Target store or shop the website.