Friday, March 15, 2013

The MOST fabulous find. Ever.

It's been a rough week. This past Monday a dear friend finally lost her battle with cancer. This is my letter to her:

Dear Melissa,
I know it's only been 4 days, but I miss you more and more as each day goes on. On Tuesday, I missed messaging with you about Hart of Dixie and how much we love George. BTW...he really is such a hunk! #teamsuit&tie

I also missed telling you about how I am finally caught up on Carrie Diaries. It is getting really good and feels a little more SATC (Sex and the City) with each episode.

On Wednesday morning I had a crazy workout at the Crossfit gym. You were always so good at keeping me motivated and helping encourage me to keep at it because you believed I was strong enough to reach my goals. You were really the strong one.

On Thursday I found this awesome Pinterest DIY project that I KNOW you would have loved. You always offered to come over and help me decorate, paint, shop and do DIY projects, but these projects won't be the same without your input. I truly valued your opinion.

It's Friday and usually I write about a "fab find" whether it be a recipe, drink, beauty product, shoes or clothes. Today, because of the empty place in my heart since the heavens took you away...I am writing about one of the MOST fabulous things I have ever found: YOU.

I miss your smile.
I miss your humor.
I miss your strength.
I miss your optimism.
I miss your selflessness.
I miss your forgiving heart (even though sometimes it took some time for you to forgive, rightfully so).
I miss your beautiful smile.
I miss your fashion savvy-ness.
I miss talking to you.
I miss shopping with you.
I miss your silly sayings.
I miss your love for Beyonce.
I miss reminiscing about our crazy days.
I miss our friendship.
I miss you.

Although you were taken way too unbelievably soon...nothing will ever take away the place you hold in my heart. We may have gone our separate ways for a few years before, but you were always close at heart. I will cherish each moment I got to spend with you and look forward to someday reuniting, having another girl's day and picking up right where we left off. I love you friend.

In memory of the strong & beautiful Melissa Williams 

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