Thursday, November 22, 2012

selfishly thankful

Usually on Thanksgiving I take the time to be thankful for family, friends, health, etc., but what fun is it to list what I am ALWAYS thankful for? None. I am thankful for those things more than one day a year. So today I am rebelling and listing all the selfish/frivolous things I can be thankful for. Thanks for making my life even better! Ohhh yes...and my blog {along with its readers}! I'm almost @ 1,000 views and so thankful for people actually caring enough to read my jibber jabber. :)
{social media for keeping me connected & sometimes unproductive}

{sugar lip balm for keeping my lips soft and sugary}

{Bb thickening spray for making my hair look fab}
{apple need to explain}
{Virgin America, if you don't know, you NEED to know} 

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