Tuesday, February 26, 2013

un-Valentine's days are the best

My hubby is NOT a fan of Valentine's day. So a few years ago he made a deal with me. If we stopped celebrating valentine's day he would plan a special date for us 4 weeks before or after the "non-holiday". It has been a win-win situation. He doesn't have to celebrate the over hyped Hallmark holiday and I get a romantic weekend planned all for us.

Friday night fancy dinner @ Ella in Sacramento

Saturday hiking day @ Bidwell Park
fun fact: it's the largest park in the U.S. within city limits

Lunch @ Nubby's in Chico.
Two words: crunchy cheese.

Alumni {bar} Tour in Chico
I'm not a beer girl, but Apricot micro brew & Sierra Nevada Torpedo were awfully tasty.

**special shout out to our friend who made it on the Hall of Foam @ Riley's Bar back when he was in college. If you don't know what that is...you should go there and find out. :)

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