
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

bling on the holidays!

I'm back and what perfect timing...the holiday season has miraculously come once again! I'm not sure about you, but I've been fully immersed in red holiday coffee cups, jingle bells rocking the halls of my local Target and every single store for the past month or three decking the halls (aisles) in seasonal decor. I truly love this time of year, but cannot believe how it snuck up on me so darn fast! 
Along with all the festiveness surrounding me are the amazing catalogs I receive (thanks a lot pottery barn). I came across page 75. That sparkly letter 'M' on the right side of the page just spoke to me. Who WOULD'T it speak to? It was my inspiration for my blingy Thanksgiving banner...and all ten of my letters cost the same amount as the one letter in the magazine (not to discredit PB, but I like a good deal if I can find and make one). 

Happy holidays!

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