Thursday, November 1, 2012

DIY coconut lime sugar scrub

I've finally found a flaw in the SAHM system: dry hands. I've been on a cleaning craze like Cinderella {pre-prince & castle} which has left my hands a dry cracked mess. The cold weather is slowly creeping upon us causing even worse conditions! Today, I decided to put an end to I went on the google machine, read some blogs, played researched on Pinterest and came up with this handy concoction. It exfoliates & rejuvenates your hands. It definitely was a GREAT quick fix. My hands were left silky smooth and cuticles felt like they had just been given an hour long manicure. Ahh-mazing. It's such an easy recipe that I had to share:

1:2 ratio of organic coconut oil & organic sugar
zest of 1 small lime
1 tablespoon of fresh lime juice

{iphone pics}

Mix dry ingredients in a bowl, followed by coconut oil {room temp} and lime juice. Mix again...and voilĂ ! It honestly smells like you are sitting on a beach drinking a margarita.

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